We, Robert's sons, are determined to preserve and promote our Dad’s wonderful artistic legacy. We believe it is one of the highest quality photographic archives of the era and an important historical record.
You can support our work by making a donation from as little as £1 towards the scanning costs.
Most of Robert’s roughly 3000 black and white enlargements have now been scanned but there are also around 25,000+ colour slides which we’ve hardly begun to digitise. This is a massive undertaking, but once all the images have been digitised and catalogued we will be in a much better position to hold further exhibitions, publish more books and generally share his work more widely.
It costs us around 35p to scan a single colour slide so it costs around £1 to scan 3 slides and £12 to scan a 36-slide roll.
We are therefore trying to raise approximately £8,000 to complete the scanning. By making a donation, from as little as £1, you will be supporting this process and ensuring that it can continue. You can donate on the link above or donate any amount by using the PayPal link below.
We hope you'll support us on this ongoing journey. Thank you!